FREE SPEECH 59 : Chasm in the Classroom: Campus Speech in a Divided America, with Jonathan Friedman
What's really happening on campus? Are students shutting down free speech everywhere while besieged faculty and hapless administrators meekly permit the destruction of our fundamental rights? Or do firebrands and right-wing trolls abuse the university as a stage to get media attention and undermine the role of free thought, scientific standards and expertise in a democracy? PEN America cuts through the myths, the caricatures, and the misinformation. In response to President Donald Trump‘s March 2019 executive order on campus speech, PEN issued a comprehensive study, titled Chasm in the Classroom: Campus Free Speech in a Divided America, of the situation of speech on campus in a divided America. The hard-hitting report is based on research and offers concrete guidelines for how schools can best respond to such incidents. I spoke with Jonathan Friedman, Ph.D., who is the Campus Free Speech Project Director at PEN. He’s taught as an adjunct professor at NYU and Columbia University and is an expert on social theory and international higher education.